What is New with All of you on Thursday July 17!!!!! It is 12 15AM

on 7/16/08 2:32 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi All,
Stress with cooking, Family, Sleeping, Kids, What ever floats you boat!!!!! Life goes on.
I talked to Aime last night and she is very busy taking care of N and the baby and her son. She sends her love to all of us.
Life is slow today. It rained all day and kept my heads away so I didnt have to much to cut today. So I left 2 hours early. Makes for a sad paycheck, But maybe I needed a day of play. Carl and I went out on a sort of date to Olive Garden. I ate Soup and Salad. Makes for a cheap date.
Shock of Shocks gas is about 4.15 a gallon and it cost me 47.00 to fill up my Vibe. I was in shock. I thought 42.00 was bad but now 47.00!!!!! Wait till it is 60.00 to fill a little car.
Oh my g-d just 8 more days and I am off to Chicago to see Paulette, Margo, Eileen, Pat, Brenda, my neice and her baby, My daughter and who ever else I can muster up!!!!!! It is going to be a whirlwind 4 days for me.
I hope my GPS will work right in order to find Margos House!!!!!
Has anyone tried the new drink Starbucks has the Vabano or something like that. I had the banana Chocolate one. It has 13 grams of Protien and 270 calories. It is not so good. Very gritty and has no taste. Not worth the 4.00 it costs. I sent it back!!!!! Got my money back. It tastes like chalk.
Well off to bed for now.
Love Carla
image hosting site

on 7/16/08 4:17 pm
 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*  Carla,  Oh how I would love to be able to meet all of you gals too.  It's so neat to get together with friends from the internet...   I hope to meet some of the gals here in WA state.  You will have a great time despite the gas prices... I assume you are driving.  Thanks for the heads up on the Starbuck's drink.  I've cut down on my coffee quite a bit.  One or two cups a week.    Have a great vacation.....  Millie
Margo M.
on 7/16/08 8:13 pm - Elyria, OH
i'm telling ya--directions to my house are easy!!! you won't need the GPS!!!!!

ok- so- i posted my news on the board last nite about my DAR application ....whooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooo -sorry!!! it's an honor and i am excited and i DID work hard for it!!!

michael is back to his not sleeping crapola so i dunno...it's him...he gets worked up and his mind won't relax.....

today is blood plasma day

carla; thank you for checking in with aime!!!!!

hugs and prayers

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 7/16/08 11:13 pm

Today, more blood work, more eating, and more walking.  The tutoring gig is turning out to be a blast and while most of these guys are a 100 feet tall, I feel right at home.  I scold them just like I scolded my son and let them know that I mean buisness, sit down, do your work, and I won't have to call the coaches. LOL  They are good guys and smart too. 

Hmmm, I'm thinking of putting on a pot of beans for tomorrow.  I so like the smell of beans or soup cooking.  Oh, I forgot.  Last night when hubby got off work, we went out for a cup of coffee and we were sitting at the table and huge roach crawled out from under the menu that I was handed.  Man oh man.  I shouted, I jumped up, I did my heebbee jeebbee dance and needless to say, we left. 


Connie D.
on 7/17/08 12:18 am, edited 7/17/08 12:19 am


That is gross........ I would have left too.

Hugs, connie d
Brenda R.
on 7/17/08 2:00 am - Portage, IN
Jeannie, that is just nothing but discusting!!!! I would have done the same thing that you did. I have my own heebee jeebee dance too.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Mickey S
on 7/17/08 8:55 am - KS
That is so funny!  My daughter and I were at a McDonalds one time and a roach crawled across the top of my Hamburger box.   We're like screeching and my daughter picks up the tray and smashes it.  We sure clear the customers out. HA!   We told them to just give us our money back.  And they tried to apologize. We went across the street to Burger King, which probably wasn't any better!
One guy at McDonalds said, Well it is just a little extra protein. Yuck!


Kathy K.
on 7/16/08 8:51 pm, edited 7/16/08 8:51 pm - Kenosha, WI
Hey, Carla and friends! Even though I had off Monday, this has been the longest week! Lots of mess at work with my employees sniping at each other and keeping me out of the loop until the tears flow.This job has been a real challenge trying to manage these 'mature' women. Sometimes some act like bratty children.

I'm so excited, my new daybed is here and will be delivered tomorrow. I've bought small accent pieces of furniture online but never a big piece of furniture sight unseen! It is a pretty popular bed as it was found on several different sites so I think it will be fine. It is black, all wood. I'm replacing my old white metal bed I've had for umpty-dump years. I'm decorating with black for the very first time. It is for the guest room with black/cream toile bedding and drapes with gingham checked accents and a cute black storage bench I still have to assemble. The room is two tones of coral to really pop the black. Very country french.

Well I'm off to the mediate the kids and keep them from killing each other. Or to keep some from quitting!
Have a great day!

¸.•♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸ ;.♥•Kathy¨♥

Pat R.
on 7/16/08 9:38 pm - Sturgis, MI
Ok peeps, the ugly face is back.....thanks again to Jan for fixing my avatar yet again!!

I have gained five bad pounds in the last week and so today I am doing liquids only.....I am the culprit, along with a LOT of bad carbs...I've worked too hard at this to
put the wt back on., so stop it now and get under control.
I'm hoping a couple days with liquids will get my system cleansed of the bad stuff, so I can get back on track.

My niece, her hubby and their two beautiful girls are coming to visit this morning.....

Nothing else planned for today, was going to make zucchini bread, but that's out, so I'll shred it up and freeze it for later. My neighbor gave me one that's almost as big as a baseball bat -- good grief! He also gave me two
beautiful "burpless" cukes, which I will try in a couple days,
along with a big head of garlic that he is growing this year.
It has to dry for a week or so and then is ready to use.

Going to be in the 90's here today with high humidity.
Staying inside where it's cool and hope you all do the same.

Hugs to all,
Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
Eileen Briesch
on 7/17/08 4:01 am - Evansville, IN

You need to smile! You have a beautiful face and a wonderful smile.

Have you ever tried my zucchini bread recipe with the protein powder? Low fat, low carb and protein to boot. It's wonderful. I have brought it into work and not told anyone what's in it and everyone loves it. They don't know it's healthy. I got it out of the cookbook they sell at MMPC. I'm making the blueberry-pineapple bread this weekend. Never tried that recipe but since I bought blueberries this week, I thought, why not? So try the zucchini bread. You can have it for breakfast in the morning with a little low fat cream cheese spread on it and it has lots of protein and little carbs.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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